Well the 10 hour flight was interesting..... I´ve never been on a plane that long before but it wasn´t that bad I got to sleep pretty good, I sat next to a really nice Brazilian guy on the plane and he spoke really good english which was really lucky because not many people on that plane spoke english, He had never heard of the LDS chuch before and he wanted to know why I was coming here for a year and a half so I explained it to him a little bit and then he watched a movie and did different things. I had a book of mormon in my backpack When he fell asleep I wrote my testimony in it because he said he loved reading in english and after the 10 hour flight as we were getting off I worked up the courage to give it to him and tell him that book was one of the reasons I flew half was across the world and that I wanted to give it to him if he wanted it and he was SO happy to get it he thanked me like 4 times so I hope he actually reads it but I was glad he acepted it and that I got to give one to someone on the plane because that was my goal!! The MTC is a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be and I have only been here like 10 minutes. My pday will be on Fridays but not this Friday because of today so don´t worry but I made it safe and Brazil is Beautiful and so far the people are so kind and loving. I´ll talk to you next friday and I love you so so much.
Love, Sister Peine
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