Monday, July 29, 2019

Cotton swab match!

Hey y’all!!
This week was a fast week, it feels like I was writing you guys yesterday! This week was a lot of fun, we went on exchanges with Sister Mizuba and Sister Rubacava they're both super cool and it was a lot of fun!! We also had a zone service project on Wednesday where we went to an elderly home and built a gazebo type thing and painted some baseboards. It started pouring rain on us when we were building the thing outside and then there was a bunch of lightning and we figured it wasn't the best idea to be running around with metal poles outside in the lightning haha so we came in and painted and sung to the elderly people (they were so cute) then finished building the thing later. I love service so much, it just makes you feel so good, and when we serve others we are also serving God. We had some good lessons this week but it has been a little harder because everyone is traveling right now but we have been reactivating a lot:) sister Heap and I came home a couple of nights ago and our apartment smelt soooo bad (we cooked salmon the day before and threw some raw stuff in the garbage) we had a candle we wanted to light, but no matches....... the aroma of our house NEEDED a candle and sister Heap was very determined to light it. Haha after many experiments we found out that if you hold a cotton swab on the metal part in the bottom of your oven for a couple seconds it starts on fire pretty quick:) we were pretty happy with our lit candle and our apt smells much better. Ahaha I love Sister Heap! Well that's about it for this week. Hope you're all finding good ways to serve others and show our Heavenly Father your love for him. I love him a lot, and I love all of you. Thank you for all your prayers, have a great week!!
Love you all!
Te amo todos vocês!
Los quiero a todos!
Love, Sister Peine

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Answered Prayers!

Hey hey hey!!!
This week flew by, and we saw a lot of miracles, I guess you could say it was the best week yet;) This week we found some solid people and a super cute family to teach! The dad is a Brasilian and the mom is Cuban and their 2 daughters are both and speak Spanish, Portuguese, and they all speak pretty good English but sometimes with the scriptural words I had to translate for everyone aha I love languages and I'm so grateful to be able to study a couple on my mission, sometimes it gives me super bad head aches, Haha but no pain no gain! But this family is awesome!! The mom was SO excited to hear about the Book of Mormon, she kept saying "I knew it, I knew He would gather His people again!" It was so cute and made me feel so grateful to be such a tiny part of the gathering of Israel!! Then there is our friend Khao, hes super cool too, we taught him the restoration and he loved it! He said the closing prayer at the end and the spirit was really strong! He kept saying he wanted to feel that way forever and when we told him he could he was pretty pumped!! Also we kind of ran out of money last week, Haha so when we were praying together at night we asked that we would figure something out so we wouldn't have to live off the canned corn that had been in our cupboard for a hot minute:,)The very next day the relief society president gave us some little gift bags and when we opened them later, it was giftcards!! We were so amazed how fast God answered our prayers, Haha and to top it off another family randomly gave us a box full of food because there was a 2 for one sell going on and they thought of us!! God didn't only answer our prayers but he answered them and then some! Also the Citrus Park ward is the best!! Mom you'll be happy to know we will be eating goooooood this week Haha! Sometimes the only thing that stands between us and the blessings we are hoping for is a simple prayer. Faithful prayers are powerful!!! He has the power to bless us immediately we just need to ask and knock and WE WILL RECIEVE AND IT WILL BE OPENED!! I also had my last zone conference this week so that was really weird..... we talked a lot about captain Moroni, captain Moroni is a stud. We focused a lot on the part where he goes around and strengthens all of the weakest protected parts of their land boundaries before the battle with the lamanites and how we needed to do that as a mission. It was a really good conference, I loved it. He challenged us to pray to know our weak spots against the attacks of satan and then STRENGTHEN them. So I invite y’all to do that as well, because he gave unto men weakness that they might become strong! So become strong!!! Love y’all thanks for all the prayers love and support❤
Love, Sister Peine

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cast Your Nets to the Other Side of the Boat

Hey y'all!!! It was another great week here in Florida! It is so pretty here!! We found quite a few new people to teach this week including a French couple, and a Brazilian woman named Neide! I was so pumped to teach in Portuguese again it felt so good and made my heart happy hahah! Portuguese is the best!! My Spanish is improving but it's a work in progress😂
I forgot to mention that we met the new mission president, President Hollingsworth and his wife a few weeks ago! I love them!! They are so funny and have so much missionary spirit in them, I'm so grateful that they are here!! President Hollingsworth gave a training about the apostles and talked about how in John when they all go fishing after Christ's crucifixion and they catch NOTHING (even though they are experienced fishers) then when they are coming back in there is a man on the shore who tells them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat (like Jesus had done before) immediately they remember and recognize that's its Christ and as they switch the net to the other side they caught so many fish it almost broke the net. Then he went on to ask us if we were willing to show our faith and switch our "nets" to the other side of the boat even though it may make no sense to us! He invited us to think of ways in our work that we can switch our "nets" to the right side or in other words trust in God and follow his way even when we might be confused for a little while! It was a really good training and made me think good and hard about what I can do in my life to 1 recognize what I can change and 2 have the faith to follow my answer because I know that God's plan is ALWAYS better than ours. I have had to learned that the hard way sometimes! But I invite you all to do the same and pray to know what you can do to "switch your nets to the other side" and follow your answers with faith even if they don't make sense at first, eventually they will. Love you all so much, have a great week!!!
Love, Sister Peine
P.s. Sorry I kinda forgot to take pics this week but here is one of us eating rice with our hands with our Filipino friends, Haha

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Lizard!

Hey y'all,
Well this week was the best one yet! We started off the week in a lesson with Alex and Gwen, when we walked into their house a lizard came with us...well Gwen is kind of scared of lizards so she went running, Haha and we spent the good first part of our lesson hunting down the lizard for her. Haha, the lil guy was quick but we got him! This was really a solid lesson! We taught about the difference between intellectual and Spiritual knowledge and how we need to be like the people in the bible who didn't always understand perfectly what Christ was saying but they knew that he was Christ so they followed with faith anyway! We talked about how that is like us and we just have to follow and continue learning line upon line precept upon precept! We then invited him to sincerely pray and follow with faith on the answer he receives. We really focused on how there is no grey area with the BOM, it is either true or not. The spirit was really strong in the lesson and he really opened up to us, I just love Alex and Gwen so much. The world needs more people like them! We also took them to a baptism so that was really good and they liked it a lot! Please keep Alex in your prayers!! We also found a lot of new people tracting this week and got some really good return appointments for this week that we are excited about! Also HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!! 🎉🇺🇸 how lucky are we to live in the USA?!? God truly blessed this land and I'm grateful to live in such a great country! On the fourth of July we went tracting and found the most patriotic elementary school that I have ever seen in my whole life, they painted the school like the American flag! Haha we took some quality pics for y'all, that I'll attach! I also tried to make a watermelon icy thing for lunch that day and I hit the pulse button and then took the lid off not realizing it was going to start again and our watermelon icy exploded all over our house and us, I was honestly surprised how far it went, Haha we ended up with about a cup of icy :') those pulse buttons will get ya! We also did some tracting by the beach. We had to stay on the cement walk way but that's where all the people were anyway to watch the fireworks so it worked great. We had to leave at 9 p.m. and as we were driving home we heard them all go off, Haha so we didn't see any but we heard tons, maybe next year Haha! But we were able to talk to a lot of people on the 4th so that was good! Then yesterday was AWESOME!! The Lord helped us fill a whole pew full of our friends we are working with it was awesome! And the ward helped us so much with helping them all find where they needed to go it was a great day to be a missionary! The Citrus ward park is killing it! I love em! Well that's about it for my week! I'm convinced Sister Heap is my long lost Sister Haha we have a lot of fun and work hard together! Well I love you all and hope you have a great week! God bless America!!!
Love, Sister Peine

Monday, July 1, 2019

New Companion

Hey everyone! This week was the best week yet! Alex and Gwen that we've been teaching are doing great! I love them so much and this guy named Bill, Haha in the lesson this week we were telling him how we ate pig ear once and he just started laughing and saying "you will not believe what's in my fridge" then out of no where pulled a full pig head out of his fridge, hahah it was so funny! We just went grocery shopping and bought a ton of groceries because it's the start of the transfer and the food was GONE and we are trying to eat healthy and be more fit so we bought tons of protein bars and powder and what not and TONS of fruit and stocked up on like toilet paper and all that stuff, so we get back and we had to park far (not that far) but far enough that we didn't want to make more than one trip. So we both filled our arms with bags and then I had the toilet paper and paper towels (at this point I had to go to the bathroom pretty bad, bad combo) she has all her bags and then the watermelon and the pineapple so she was walking like a weirdo so we get going and the tortilla chips fell off my stack and then I stepped on them, they ripped open...then I laughed which made me need to pee more so sister Heap went to pick them up while I sat there bouncing like an idiot and she had to squat like a pregnant woman to pick it up so then I laughed harder and then she dropped her water bottle and it cracked so she kicked it all the way to our door and we were both laughing crying at this point then she squatted and picked up her water bottle and it fully broke and spilt all over our other groceries and then I was laughing so hard I lost all strength and my groceries started falling all over.... but we eventually got in, it's fine just some bruised fruit and I sister Heap's pants were soaked from the water bottle BUT we did it in one trip so we were pretty proud. This week my testimony has really grown in God's power, with his help we can literally do ANYTHING! Faith unlocks his power so hopefully you are all ALWAYS looking for ways to continually strengthen that faith and access that power and have his spirit with you. Love you all and hope you have a great week!
Love, Sister Peine