Hey hey hey!!!
This week flew by, and we saw a lot of miracles, I guess you could say it was the best week yet;) This week we found some solid people and a super cute family to teach! The dad is a Brasilian and the mom is Cuban and their 2 daughters are both and speak Spanish, Portuguese, and they all speak pretty good English but sometimes with the scriptural words I had to translate for everyone aha I love languages and I'm so grateful to be able to study a couple on my mission, sometimes it gives me super bad head aches, Haha but no pain no gain! But this family is awesome!! The mom was SO excited to hear about the Book of Mormon, she kept saying "I knew it, I knew He would gather His people again!" It was so cute and made me feel so grateful to be such a tiny part of the gathering of Israel!! Then there is our friend Khao, hes super cool too, we taught him the restoration and he loved it! He said the closing prayer at the end and the spirit was really strong! He kept saying he wanted to feel that way forever and when we told him he could he was pretty pumped!! Also we kind of ran out of money last week, Haha so when we were praying together at night we asked that we would figure something out so we wouldn't have to live off the canned corn that had been in our cupboard for a hot minute:,)The very next day the relief society president gave us some little gift bags and when we opened them later, it was giftcards!! We were so amazed how fast God answered our prayers, Haha and to top it off another family randomly gave us a box full of food because there was a 2 for one sell going on and they thought of us!! God didn't only answer our prayers but he answered them and then some! Also the Citrus Park ward is the best!! Mom you'll be happy to know we will be eating goooooood this week Haha! Sometimes the only thing that stands between us and the blessings we are hoping for is a simple prayer. Faithful prayers are powerful!!! He has the power to bless us immediately we just need to ask and knock and WE WILL RECIEVE AND IT WILL BE OPENED!! I also had my last zone conference this week so that was really weird..... we talked a lot about captain Moroni, captain Moroni is a stud. We focused a lot on the part where he goes around and strengthens all of the weakest protected parts of their land boundaries before the battle with the lamanites and how we needed to do that as a mission. It was a really good conference, I loved it. He challenged us to pray to know our weak spots against the attacks of satan and then STRENGTHEN them. So I invite y’all to do that as well, because he gave unto men weakness that they might become strong! So become strong!!! Love y’all thanks for all the prayers love and support❤
Love, Sister Peine
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