Monday, September 24, 2018

All is Good in the Hood

Hi Everyone!
This week was a good one! We found lots of people and we have lots of people marked for baptism with cute families but we are having a hard time getting them to go to church so thats a bummer but we are going to keep working hard. Last Sunday I had a dream that me and my companion got mugged and then that night we got a call from our zone leaders to make sure we are alive and doing well and I said, "ya, minus my dream." He being the good LEZ said "Congrats you've learned how to receive revelation through dreams." Lol, so me and my comp didn't take our cameras or any money with us this week, but its all good in the hood because we didn't even get mugged! We did get a little lost this week but a very nice drunk man helped us find our way! I am loving my comp she is learning everything so quick and is a hard worker! This week my district has been studying knowledge! I have always known that it is important to gain as much knowledge as we can but this week I have really learned how important it is not only for spiritual things but everything because thats all we are going to take with us when we die and the attributes which we gained, the attributes of Christ....and knowledge is one of them so I invite you all to not only study the book of mormon but pick a new topic that you want to know more about and study it or study the attributes of Christ, it has been changing my whole mission and perspective. I love Christ and I want to be as much like him as I possibly can! I love you all and hope you all had a great week and then have another one this week!
Love, Sister Peine

Monday, September 17, 2018

The Field is White and Ready to Harvest

Hello everyone!

This week was good. We worked really really hard and we found 2 families that we are really excited about and a bunch of investigators that are progressing really well! The field is white and ready to harvest here in Vila Matilde and we are super excited. This week we had divisions and pday de zona which was a lot of fun. My companion and I tried partner yoga for our morning exercises. It didn't end to well but at least we got a cool picture! I don't have a ton of time left but I am doing great and I love being a representitive of our Savior, Jesus Christ! I know that he lives and loves us and will help us always! I hit 7 months in the mission this week and it scared me a little how fast it is passing by! I could stay here forever (I won't, dont worry mom) but I could and I would be content! I love being a missionary and I love all of you and hope you have an amazing week!!!

Love, Sister Peine

Monday, September 10, 2018

Maple syrup concentrate discovery!!!

Hello everyone!

Well me and my daughter are doing fabulous down here in Brasil! I lied in my last email, she is actually from El Salvador!! Her name is Sister Fuentes and she is the cutest thing ever (like mom like daughter) jk haha! But really I love her so much! I have been learning a lot of spanish too, so thats a good time! This week we worked so hard but it was great. We walked so much my daughter got pretty sore but my mission phrase is, "no pain no gain," which means this week we just had a lot of gain! But then I made chocolate pancakes and cookies for my companion to help her feel better so no worries she is stong and healthy! This week we had a menos ativo (less active) go to church that hadn't been in 2 years, we are also teaching her family, they are hilarious! This week we did a ton of contacting and found a bunch of new investigators to teach this week so its going to be great! One of our investigators, Mel also came to church so we were really excited about that! She just has to get married and she can be baptized, but there are a lot of things we have to do with paper work so she can get married, but none the less we are excited! Also this week we got to take one of our recent converts, Gabriel to the temple for the first time to do baptisms and it was amazing! I love watching peoples faces when they see the temple for the first time, Its one of the many things I love about being a missionary! I also made a life changing discovery, in the temple shop here in Brasil they sell maple concentrate that you use to make maple syrup that I'm beyond excited about! Other than our investigators, temple trip, my daughter, and my maple syrup discovery I think that is about all for this week! Thank you for all of your prayers and emails! I hope you all have an amazing week and are making time to read the book of mormom every single day because it truly has the power to change your life. love you all and ate proxima semana
Love, Sister Peine

uma filha

Hello everyone,
This week was crazyyy.....We had a mission tour and a leadership training this week so I got to see all of my friends in the mission it was great! I will try and send pictures if this coumputer will let me but if not I will send some next week. Then yesterday President Miller called me to ask me if I could train so that is crazy because I still barley know how to use the bus and metro systems...but it will be cool to have a "daughter" in the mission (congrats mom) she will be born tomorrow...The other thing that Im a tad nervous about it she is from Nicaragua and I do not know how to speak spanish haha but I guess Im going to have to learn! So today for pday Ive just been hanging out with the AP's all day and we went to the temple of salamon which was super cool! Then tonight I will sleep in the sister APs house and I will meet my daughter tomorrow! Im super excied but it will be interesting for sure......I speak english, she speaks spanish and we are both trying to be fluent in portuguese if you would all like to pray for me I wouldnt mind! Well thats about all I have time for this week but I love you all and I will update you all on my daughter next week! beijo
Love, Sister Peine

Visit from the Apostles

This week was oh so good! Literally almost everything fell through this week...BUT we had a visit from the Apostles and I got to see some of my favorite people so I can't complain! We also had divisions with the sister AP's (assistant to the president) which was a lot of fun and I learned a lot from them! I went with sister Southwick (who is also from Utah) so that was a good time. Then on Thursday we had family night with a family in the ward and our recent convert, Gabriel. We made tacos which was also a good time. On Friday we all met together at the train station with our zone to travel to the church where M. Russell Ballard and Elder Soares and his wife spoke to us (the church next to the temple.) When we got there, there were about 700 other missionaries there which was really cool to see! I also saw a bunch of people that I was in the CTM with, my mission mom, sister Torres (my mission soul sister) and some people I knew in high school or met at EFY's so that was crazy to see so many people I knew! Elder Ballard's and Elder Soares talks were really inspiring! Elder Soares talked about the example of Jesus Christ in missionary work, how he talked to literally everyone about the gospel. He didn't ever want to let anyone lose the opportunity to hear about it, and neither should we! He also talked about how every time the Lord gives a commandment he promises blessings that we will receive when we keep that commandment and how we are commanded to open our mouths and share the gospel and when we do this we will be blessed with the words we need and the spirit! Then Elder Ballard spoke, he told us about how much he loves us and how the 12 apostles pray for us every Thursday! Then he went on to talk about faith and how if we have faith, true faith then we don't have fear. He also talked about how we have pathways being guided form heaven for each one of us and when we don't have faith sometimes we are passing by all the blessings that are on that part of the path! He also talked about our missions and how we aren't just learning to be good servants of God but we are building a foundation of the principles and doctrines of the gospel that we are going to use for the rest of our lives and how when we really understand the gospel and have faith we will be happy because we truly understand how to change, how to find true happiness, and have hope...through Christ. Then he closed by telling us what he thought Christ would say to us if he was there, and part of what he said was, "there is nothing so hard that we can't accomplish it together," which I really liked. If we want something to happen we only need two people to want it to and our Heavenly Father and truly nothing is impossible. That's one of the biggest things I have learned so far on my mission. After the apostles spoke to us my whole zone got lost in the Sao Paulo south mission at 9:00 at night because we took the wrong bus, so we all wandered around the giant city in Brazil together like a herd of little lost sheep! It was so funny! Well, that's about it for this week, I hope you are all praying and searching for opportunities to be missionaries and then sharing your knowledge without fear. I challenge you all to pray to find opportunities to be a missionary and give a Book of Mormon to someone you don't know! Well, I love you all and I hope you have a superb week! Beijo!

Love, sister Peine