Well me and my daughter are doing fabulous down here in Brasil! I lied in my last email, she is actually from El Salvador!! Her name is Sister Fuentes and she is the cutest thing ever (like mom like daughter) jk haha! But really I love her so much! I have been learning a lot of spanish too, so thats a good time! This week we worked so hard but it was great. We walked so much my daughter got pretty sore but my mission phrase is, "no pain no gain," which means this week we just had a lot of gain! But then I made chocolate pancakes and cookies for my companion to help her feel better so no worries she is stong and healthy! This week we had a menos ativo (less active) go to church that hadn't been in 2 years, we are also teaching her family, they are hilarious! This week we did a ton of contacting and found a bunch of new investigators to teach this week so its going to be great! One of our investigators, Mel also came to church so we were really excited about that! She just has to get married and she can be baptized, but there are a lot of things we have to do with paper work so she can get married, but none the less we are excited! Also this week we got to take one of our recent converts, Gabriel to the temple for the first time to do baptisms and it was amazing! I love watching peoples faces when they see the temple for the first time, Its one of the many things I love about being a missionary! I also made a life changing discovery, in the temple shop here in Brasil they sell maple concentrate that you use to make maple syrup that I'm beyond excited about! Other than our investigators, temple trip, my daughter, and my maple syrup discovery I think that is about all for this week! Thank you for all of your prayers and emails! I hope you all have an amazing week and are making time to read the book of mormom every single day because it truly has the power to change your life. love you all and ate proxima semana
Love, Sister Peine
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