Monday, September 17, 2018

The Field is White and Ready to Harvest

Hello everyone!

This week was good. We worked really really hard and we found 2 families that we are really excited about and a bunch of investigators that are progressing really well! The field is white and ready to harvest here in Vila Matilde and we are super excited. This week we had divisions and pday de zona which was a lot of fun. My companion and I tried partner yoga for our morning exercises. It didn't end to well but at least we got a cool picture! I don't have a ton of time left but I am doing great and I love being a representitive of our Savior, Jesus Christ! I know that he lives and loves us and will help us always! I hit 7 months in the mission this week and it scared me a little how fast it is passing by! I could stay here forever (I won't, dont worry mom) but I could and I would be content! I love being a missionary and I love all of you and hope you have an amazing week!!!

Love, Sister Peine

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