Monday, September 24, 2018

All is Good in the Hood

Hi Everyone!
This week was a good one! We found lots of people and we have lots of people marked for baptism with cute families but we are having a hard time getting them to go to church so thats a bummer but we are going to keep working hard. Last Sunday I had a dream that me and my companion got mugged and then that night we got a call from our zone leaders to make sure we are alive and doing well and I said, "ya, minus my dream." He being the good LEZ said "Congrats you've learned how to receive revelation through dreams." Lol, so me and my comp didn't take our cameras or any money with us this week, but its all good in the hood because we didn't even get mugged! We did get a little lost this week but a very nice drunk man helped us find our way! I am loving my comp she is learning everything so quick and is a hard worker! This week my district has been studying knowledge! I have always known that it is important to gain as much knowledge as we can but this week I have really learned how important it is not only for spiritual things but everything because thats all we are going to take with us when we die and the attributes which we gained, the attributes of Christ....and knowledge is one of them so I invite you all to not only study the book of mormon but pick a new topic that you want to know more about and study it or study the attributes of Christ, it has been changing my whole mission and perspective. I love Christ and I want to be as much like him as I possibly can! I love you all and hope you all had a great week and then have another one this week!
Love, Sister Peine

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