Love, Sister Peine
Friday, March 23, 2018
Brazil Hospital!!
Hello!!!! I would like to say first, I love you all!!!! Okay, so I would like to start out with saying all is well in Zion and mom please don't freak out because I'm totally okay!! So last p-day at night I noticed my ankle was hurting, I didn't roll it or anything it just hurt like I had a bruise but there was no bruise and then is started to get puffy and hurt but I thought it was fine and that I would just give it another day so I did. The next day we went proselyting again which was amazing!! I got 6 contacts and a couple of people were really interested in my message and said it was beautiful. It made me so happy but by the end my foot was killing me so when we got back I saw the doctor at the MTC. She said she had no clue because it didn't itch so it wasn't a bug bite and I didn't roll it so it was a mystery. She said just wait till Monday so I did because I wasn't in pain I was just concerned that my foot was swollen and red and I didn't know why....So Sunday comes around and it was so swollen that I couldn't get any of my normal shoes strapped on so I had to wear my shower shoes to church, haha rockin the Hawaiian sandals for Sunday, but throughout the day it got to the point where I couldn't even walk hardly. I had been limping and now even limping hurt so I went to the doctor again and President Silva was there. He was all sorts of worried so he called me a cab and got me a sister missionary, sister Lizi to come with me to the hospital so she could translate for me. She is an angel and we are best friends now! We went to the hospital and it was cool to see more of Brazil but at the same time I was having a bit of a mental breakdown....I am scared of hospitals in America....let alone a foreign country haha and I didn't have my mom....that is all I really wanted in life on the way to the hospital was my mom we got there and saw lots of people with LOTS of waiting in between but at some point they gave me an I.V. for the swelling, that was weird. They put tubes in my arm so they could connect and un-connect things if they needed to. I roamed around the hospital for 5 hours with tubes dangling out of my arm attached to nothing....WORST feeling ever but I didn't pass out like the last time I got my blood drawn with my mom, but even then passing out wasn't so bad because I had my mom! Oh yeah, while I was waiting we got some orange juice in the cafeteria which was for sure the highlight of my day, haha I was living lavish because the CTM gave me my money before I left and orange juice is my favorite! They ultra-sounded my food which was cool because you could see how gross my tissue that was swollen looked compared to my normal tissue! Anyway, after many doctors and tests, I have a bacterial infection in the tissue of my ankle. We don't know how it got in there. They think a spider of some sort but we don't know so the next day I had to lay in bed all day because every time I walk on it, it puffs up. They next day they hooked me up with a wheelchair. My district have become my parents haha, they made me sit in my wheel chair during actividade fisica which was soooo hard for me, and they always remind me to take my antibiotics on time. They're the best! I had the wheel chair for 2 days and let me tell ya they are fun for about 1 hr but that is about it! I missed walking sooooooo much!! A lot of the Brazilians pushed me around and I have made a lot of friends because of it!! I'm up and walking now but I still have to elevate my foot whenever I can and ice it and I'm taking medicine all this week. It's much better though and I can finally almost see my whole ankle bone haha! I have funny videos in the wheel chair of my roommate running up and down the hall with me and pictures of my lovely hospital experience. The hospital was soooooo sketchy and dirty and I will be okay if I never have to go there again! I will send all the pictures and the video when I get to the field! I LEAVE ON TUESDAY... I'm freaking out!! I feel like I know no Portuguese and I'm scared out of my mind and I really hope my foot is all the way better so I can walk a bunch without it getting fat. If you send letters send it to my mission home!! Mom please include that address!! Okay well I'm out of time.... this week was hard for me but I have been able to see all my physical angels and it has been amazing!! I love the people here with all of my heart! So this week help someone with something be an angel for them, ask God to help you find them and then do because I know first hand how much it will mean to them!! I love you all! Remember to read the Book of Mormon it will bring you joy, I know it! I love you all, and thank you for the prayers! HAVE A GREAT WEEK and I'll talk to you next week from the field!!!!
Love, Sister Peine

Love, Sister Peine
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