Monday, June 4, 2018

Marriage Proposal, Baptism's and Miracles

Hello Everyone!!!

I hope you all had an AMAZING week! My week was WILD, I do not even know where to begin.... I will start with the weird and end with the good! So our investigator Rogerio asked me to marry him using an app on his phone that turns Portuguese into English and speaks with an electronic robot voice...I always pictured the first time someone would ask me to marry them would be in the mountains or at a temple or some place real nice....but I mean the voice of some strange version of siri from a cell phone sitting in the young womens room with my companion was a close 2nd!!!Ha ha ha! He assured us that it was just a joke but that if I said yes he was down! So that was weird and long story short he is no longer our investigator and his neighborhood is no longer included in our area. But the good news is this next week is the last week of my training and the GREAT news is... We had 2 baptisms this week!!!! Penha was one of the baptisms so a little back story on her and how we found her...It was my first or second week in the field when sister Enout and I were walking to an appointment from lunch. We took a little dirt road as a short cut and as we were walking a car started to pass us and just as it got in front of us it died so jokingly I turned to sister Enout saying how God killed the car for us so we could make another contact. We walked to the car to ask if he needed help. He told us no because he needed men to push his car to a house or somewhere where he could get gas, (little does he know we do push-ups now) so we told him we were going to try anyway and ended up pushing his car a good 8 blocks while he steered! Then when we were about to leave I gave him a pass along card and with the help of sister Enout we got his information and scheduled a day we could teach him a lesson and when we went to teach him his entire family was waiting and that is how we met Penha! For almost the past month and a half we have been teaching Penha and Zilda (Penha's mom) and the rest of the family. The rest said they will go to church someday when they feel they are ready but they still sometimes join in and listen to our messages so maybe one day! Two weeks ago we found out that Zilda's brother is a member of the church, he served a mission and everything so we kept telling them they should call him and tell him how they were taking the missionary lessons but they told us how they hadn't talked to him in over 2 years so they weren't going to. Then on Friday night (the day before Penha's baptism out of nowhere Penha's uncle (the member) sent her a message asking if they could stop by and say hello (after 2 years without communication) they ended up talking with him for 2 hours and inviting him to the baptism!! It was truly such a miracle! Me and sister Enout were both shocked when they told us the story. The baptism was AMAZING and Penha's aunt bore her testimony about baptism and how the gospel brings families together. The spirit was soooo strong. It was a bit of an eye opener for sister Enout and I of how much God is helping us in His amazing work! Then on Sunday we had Laura's baptism which was another miracle because she could have been baptized a month ago but she needed the permission of her mom and for almost 4 months her mom has said no, but her mom came to church for the first time last Sunday and after church the I asked her thoughts on Laura being baptized and she FINALLY said yes! Saturday night when we went to prepare the font with our zone leaders we found that the water was no longer draining because the pump that sucks the water out was broken! But the water was all dirty because when the pump broke it pushed a bunch of dirt into the system so we all stayed there very late that night emptying the font by buckets, cleaning the fount and then filling it for Laura's baptism at 8 a.m. the next morning! That was a little stressful but a member that lives right next to the church, Irma Gilmara saw us and told us to come to her house to eat food while we waited for the font to fill because it takes almost 3 hours but we all had a pretty good time and the baptism made it all worth it! data-original-height="640" /> We still haven't figured out the font problem so I think we will be emptying the font by bucket again tonight and then hopefully fixing it! This week was the best week in the mission yet! Next week we will have transfers again on Monday and we are almost positive sister Enout will be transferred considering she has almost 7 months in this area (her first area) so I will keep you posted on what happens! I love you all and I hope you are taking time to purposefully read the Book of Mormon every single day! Have an amazing week and ate proxima semana.

Con amor, Sister Peine

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