Monday, April 16, 2018

Another week down in the field! I almost have 3 weeks in the field! This week I hit 2 months in the mission on the 13th! So this week started with a lot of walking. We walked pretty much all day stopping at investigators and contacts houses along the way and NO ONE was home. We also have lunch with someone in our ward everyday and the members house who we were walking to forgot about us haha so that's always a bummer. We started walking back and on the way we found someone with a broken down car so me and my companion pushed him and his car to a little shop a couple miles away ha ha it was a great workout and we got his contact info so we could teach him later. When we went to teach him his whole family was sitting there waiting for us! We taught them a really good lesson. I am starting to be able to talk a lot more in the lessons. I will always ask them questions when we are first getting to know them and they get all excited and say a bunch of things REALLY fast in response that I usually don't understand so I've gotten really good at smiling and saying, "legal" (cool) lol. But they really liked the fact that I was American so we are best friends now, lol. We invited them to church and they all said how it was so early and they would try but they weren't making any promises so I hit em with, "If I can learn Portuguese you can to to church at 9 a.m." They all laughed but it actually worked. Felipe didn't come to church but his mom, sister, and his sister's daughter all were at church yesterday. Tonight we are having family night with them so hopefully that goes good! We also met a new investigator this week who came to church too! His name is Renan. We taught him and his family on Saturday and they were all super excited to practice their English with me, it was so cute! They are all amazing so I hope we can keep teaching them! Another cool thing that happened this week was a lady in our ward gave us bags of church clothes that didn't fit her kids anymore that we were able to give to some of our investigators and recent converts who don't have enough money to buy them. It was really such a tender mercy, I've never seen someone so happy to receive clothes in my life! Also this week my companion was talking on the phone with some other Brazilian sisters in our district about how she doesn't like Americans (She thinks I don't understand a lot of what she says, but I do LOL) She doesn't like Americans just because of the fact that they're American so that's a bummer because I happen to be American haha but it's okay, I'm going to convince her Americans are great! We are still great friends and if I'm ever feeling a little down I just ask if she wants to learn English or read the Book of Mormon in English because her accent is so cute hahaha it always cheers me up! I love when Brazilians try to speak English with me, they are the cutest people! There is this lady in my ward who is a real live Angel. Last night I was a little hungry so I walked into our kitchen to grab some food and there was NO food at all. Because today is P-day when we buy food so we were fresh out and just as I was about to force myself to eat these gross onion chips we had our phone ring and it was Gilmara and her husband telling us to come down to our gate because they had dinner for us. They brought us a bunch of Brazilian food and some groceries. Oh my the food here is soooooo good! It is amazing overtime we need something it always comes to us right when we need it, so don't worry mom, I'm eating good! I think people's favorite phrase her is "Comer mais" eat more haha. The members here in Itaquaquecetuba (the city I'm in) take good care of us. Well this week was a tough but good one! I challenge you all to pray for opportunities to be a missionary and help bring his lost sheep home. If you ask he will help you. Only 2 people need to want something to happen in order for it to happen, you and God! So pray and then act even if its just giving referrals to the missionaries or giving away a Book of Mormon with your testimony in it. Missionary work is so important and there are people waiting for you to invite them to church or a young women's activity or ward activity so pray to find them and I know God will lead you to them! I hope you all have a great week and I'll see you all in 15.8 months, woot!
Te Amo todos voces,
Love, Sister Peine

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