Monday, April 9, 2018


Hello everyone!
Another week down in Brazil! This week started out a little rough with a LOT of rain! Tuesday we woke up and did the regular routine and got all ready to go. We didn't bring any jackets because there were no clouds in the sky and it was HOT! About halfway through our day it started POURING! Luckily we both had umbrellas so we kept walking so we could make our appointments but NONE of them were home or maybe they just couldn't hear us through the rain because rain with tin roofs definitely isn't the quietest thing ever and here we don't knock on the door, we clap from behind a gate that everyone has. It got to the point where the water was half way to our knees and all the streets had turned into mini rivers so our umbrellas weren't really doing too much! Since all of our appointments fell through we decided to make our way back to the church for shelter and as we were walking this little boy came running our of nowhere crying! We ran to share our umbrellas with him until his mom came! He was freezing because sometimes the rain here is cold (it's super weird.) When his mom got there my companion being the good human that she is gave her umbrella to the mom and got her address so we could pick it up another day. Then it was just me, my companion and my very small umbrella! We still had a good couple of miles until we got to the church and it was starting to rain even harder!! We were running along and I stopped to fix the tape on my blisters. Just as I bent down a giant truck drove by through a nice big mud puddle I was standing by and soaked me! As I stood up and looked at my companion holding the umbrella the umbrella BROKE and we looked at each other and just started laughing! We then decided to run to a members house that lived close by. She came to the door and started panicking saying we were going to get sick and brought us in and made us shower and then brought us some of her pajamas to wear. She made us some dinner while we played with her kids. Their family is The Best! I will send pictures of my companion and I in her pajamas, ha ha we looked GREAT! We stayed there until it stopped raining. She let me watch some general conference on her computer in ENGLISH! It was soooo good! She is a real live angel! The next day we went to go pick up the umbrella from the lady we gave it to and oh my, she is amazing! She has the cutest little family and a VERY cute dog! She really likes to cook. She invited us in and immediately started having us eat different cakes and pies that she said she had been experimenting with. They were so good! We taught her a lesson (by we I mean my companion, ha ha I mostly did a lot of smiling and petting her dog) but I always try to give input and I always share my testimony at the end. She said she would read the Book of Mormon and that we could return this week so I hope she really does because she is awesome! We also had zone conference this same day which was a lot of fun to see other missionaries because most of the time its just me and my companion! The rest of the week was mostly just a ton of walking and a lot of lessons that fell through so hopefully this week we can find some solid investigators! Oh yeah, I bore my testimony in church yesterday and I tried to say, "If you talk to me and I just smile and don't respond very much it's not because I don't like you, it's because I probably didn't understand you! I'm still learning Portuguese and I promise I love you all" Instead I said, "If you talk to me and I just smile and don't respond it's because I probably don't like understanding you and because I'm learning your language." I knew all the words I needed and how to say the phrase correctly but I was a little bit nervous so I skipped some of the most important words. Haha my companion cleared it up for me though, thank heavens! Talk about a good first impression haha! Well thats about it for my week. I can understand a lot of Portuguese but speaking it is a struggle. Learning a different language is not as fun as it sounds!! To end I want to share something I liked about conference. I'm pretty sure it was in Uctdorf's talk. He shared the scripture Alma 37:6-7. He was talking about the importance of small things. I really liked this because it is very applicable to everyone! The small things make all the difference depending on our perspective! If we focus on all the small things that are bad and that bug us it will pull us down and over time make a large negative impact! But if we choose to ignore the small bad things and focus on the small good things we can make a very large positive impact on our own lives! I've noticed this a lot as a missionary with relationships especially! Notice the little things, Do the little things and don't let the little negative things become big! There is so much bad in the world so it makes it that much more important to focus on the small things no matter how small! So smile at people even if you don't know them, read your scriptures, tell your family members you love them, pray, focus on the little things and be happy because we are here to become like Christ and Christ would look at the glass half full always! I love you all so much! This Friday is my 2 month mark so I'll see you in 16 months. Haha, have a great week! Eu Amo todos voces!!

Love, Sister Peine xoxo

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