Monday, April 30, 2018

The Gift of Tongues

Hello Everyone!!

Another week down in Brazil, and it was great! A couple weeks ago we had an emergency zone conference and they changed a lot of our mission goals, one of which was the number of contacts/people we talk with every single day. It went from 3-5 contacts a day to 20 but to attempt to get 20 contacts, if they say no it still counts we just have to talk to them. So this week we talked to everyone! We worked really hard this week and we taught a lot of really good lessons so hopefully we will have some strong investigators soon! We are still teaching Felipe and Penha but we still have a lot of work to do with them like getting them to stop drinking coffee and going to church every Sunday! This week a lot of people told me and my companion uplifting stories about missionaries getting mugged or kidnapped but I wasn't worried because my companion seems like she could protect us if matters became bad. So one morning when we were working out I asked if she wanted to arm wrestle! Long story short I won, but I have the arm strength of a small bird so now I'm not really sure what we are going to do if someone tries to kidnap us....We now do pushups every morning haha but God is protecting us so he can make up for our lack of arm strength! Another interesting thing that has happened is my hair decided to grow almost an inch now, but also a whole bunch of new hairs decided to grow and they're only 1 in long so occasionally I look a little bit like Albert Einstein but it just makes me extra unique so todo bem! We got 2 new investigators this week that came to church today, they are twins! Andre and Adriano, I don't think I will ever be able to tell which is which but they are cute 17 year olds and we have only taught them once but they are prime investigators so I hope we can help them gain testimonies and become strong members! Not a ton happened this week but we worked really hard so hopefully it will pay off this transfer! Today was my first transfer! Woot! We will be staying in Itaquaquecetuba but a lot of our district changed and our district leader got transferred (Elder Benini) I will send a picture with my district when we said goodbye to him! Well I think thats all that happened this week! It was a great week and the Portuguese is coming slowly but surely! I can usually understand almost everything but I still have a hard time speaking it, except when I bare my testimony or am teaching! Words just fly out of my mouth and a lot of the time it's words I didn't even know I knew. The gift of tongues is real! It's amazing what can happen when we want the same thing as Christ! Today I was studying the Liana November 2017, and I was reading a talk written by Bonnie L. Oscarson called, "The Needs Before Us." If you have time, read it! It is an amazing talk. She talked about how we don't need to change the world all at once but we can start by putting down our phones and serving those closest to us. She said, "Remember that some of the greatest needs may be those right in front of you, begin your service within your own families." She shared a quote by Spencer W. Kimball, "God does notice us, and he watches over us, but it is usually through another person that he meets our needs." I love this quote because I have seen him help me many times through other people so I hope you will all pray to find ways to be that person for someone else! I love our Savior and I love all of you and hope you have a great week!

Love, Sister Peine

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