Monday, May 7, 2018

I am now a plumber!!

Hello Everyone!!!

I hope you all had a great week. Another great week down here in Brazil. It was a week of miracles. We started off the week teaching our investigators Andre and Adriano, they are 17 year old twins. I started off the lesson by asking if they read the Book of Mormon and they said,"uhhh yeah...a little." So Sister Enout and I thought they forgot (most people do.) So I asked them to tell me a little about what they read and to our surprise they started telling us about when Joseph saw an Angel and about the urim and thumin! Not only did they read the small part in Moroni that we asked them to but they started reading from the very beginning in the testimony of Joseph Smith! Most of the 17 year olds here have tattoos and are usually smoking and give us a fake address just to make us walk extra far or mess with us so me and sister Enout were amazed to find out that they read! They are amazing! They are WAY good at soccer, they are both very intelligent and they are just miracles! I'm super excited to teach them again! On Wednesday our sink broke so we called the missionaries in charge of the houses and they told us we were too far away so we needed to ask a brother in our ward to help us or fix it ourselves! So we called around and no one would answer their phones! I could tell which part was broken and the water that was leaking out of it smelt HORRIBLE so we decided to go for it and fix it! My Portuguese is still far from perfect but I am doing a lot better...but my vocabulary of plumbing parts is non existent! So I drew pictures for Sister Enout and she asked about the part we would need in Portuguese! We started out asking 8 guys where the nearest store was that would have what we needed. Turns out it was on the other side of our area so we walked all they way there and figured out which part we needed and walked all the way back! When I started taking apart the sink I found 3 more broken pieces!! The piping was very old! So then we walked backed to the shop to buy more parts but he was all out of the parts we needed so we had to walk to our Elders area where the other store was and thank heavens he had all the parts! When we got back I took all the broken parts off only to find a giant ball of Goo clogging it! Cleaning it out for sure makes the list of top 10 grossest things I've ever done! We spent almost the whole day finding parts for and fixing it but we did it which was another miracle! But it was definitely a day that made me miss my dad haha! Then on Saturday we took the train to go to our lunch appointment and they weren't there so a little sad and hungry, we decided to start making contacts in that part of our area! After making a bunch of contacts we started walking back to the train to head to the area of our next appointment when we ran into an elderly couple who acted like they knew the missionaries so we said hello to them and they asked if we had already had lunch and insisted that we eat with them! Turns out the Irma was baptized over 10 years ago but was inactive and her husband was never baptized, they are also the parents of the 1st counselor in our bishopric! So not only did we find lunch but we found a new investigator and a less active! When we told them how grateful we were that God put them in our path so we could have lunch they both started to cry because they were so happy to help! People here have the biggest hearts! They all live in the smallest houses and have barely anything, yet they want more than anything to give us food and help us as much as they can! They asked to be put on our lunch list so we are going to try and start teaching them! We are super excited! We also taught Rogerio a lot this week! We are having a hard time getting him to come to church but he already knows all the lessons and is ready to be baptized we just need to get him to commit to come to church every Sunday! Penha and Zilda are on date to be baptized this Saturday, well Penha this Saturday and Zilda next but it all depends on if she drinks coffee this week or not but she came to church again on Sunday and as far as we know everything is ready in order for her to be baptized so I really hope it will all work out because she is amazing! Our other investigator, Laura is all ready to be baptized as well we just have to get permission from her mom but her mom doesn't really support it so we still have some work to do there! We are hoping to have a lot of baptisms this transfer! The language is still a challenge every day but I'm starting to understand a lot! I'm also starting to understand a little bit of Spanish so shout out to Weston, Sadie, Luke and my dad, I'll be able to understand your "code" when I come back, hehehe! Well this week was better!! I have truly learned to lean on the Lord and the power of the Book of Mormon! The Book of Mormon was made to answer ALL questions and I have a strong testimony that it does! I hope you are all reading the Book of Mormon every day with a question in your heart! When we do this a special joy will be brought into our lives that we can't find anywhere else! The words in the Book of Mormon have power, the power to literally change our lives! I love the Book of Mormon with all of my heart and I hope you are all finding time to read it every single day! I love you all and I hope you all have an amazing week! Ate proxima semana e eu amor todos voces!

Atenciosamente, Sister Peine

p.s. Feel free to write me a letter!

Sister Kayla Peine
Rua Caa-Acu, #229
03171-020 Sao Paulo-SP

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