Friday, May 18, 2018

Hello everyone!

This week was AMAZING! We had zone conference this week which is always amazing but this one was a little extra amazing because I understood all of it, so I learned a lot! Last time I didn't know a ton of Portuguese but this time I was ready, it's also a lot easier for me to understand Americans speaking Portuguese than Brazilians and all of the speakers who trained were American. They also made us gel vaccines so that was a bummer because I think it might be a monthly thing now and I'm not a huge fan of being stabbed with needles, but it's all good it will make me more tough I guess. I really love Sister and President Silcox! We learned so much from them! Later this week we had lunch with a recent convert named Ineida, She requested that I send a picture with her to my American people. She is about 4 feet tall and we are best friends. She is the only member in her family and she really wants us to teach her family so we are hoping to start working with them soon. We also taught Andre and Adriane again this week. After the lesson we invited them to the young mens activity and while they were getting ready we waited in the street and I ended up playing soccer with a bunch of 14 year olds. They taught me a bunch of tricks that I wasn't very good at but they told me not to worry because they are going to teach me! We invited them to Young mens with us, so once we got everyone we invited together we walked to the Young Men's president's house only to find that he forgot and only one other member showed up so me and sister Enout hurried and put a game and lesson together and ordered some pizza and it actually turned out really good. They had a good laugh at me and sister Enout's video game skills! We also went to one of our investigators kids birthday parties this week, that was a lot of fun. It was Penha and Zilda's sister's baby. None of them came to church so they can't be baptized this week and we still have some work to do with the word of wisdom but they are progressing quickly and we are excited for them! We also taught a lot of people on the streets this week and made a couple contacts who are really interested so we are excited to work with them this week! We have Rogeno on date to be baptized this Saturday and we are really excited so I hope it all works out! There is a lot of work for us to do and reactivating in our area so we are excited to make a lot of visits this week! I like it more and more here everyday and my companion has become one of my best friends and wants to come to the USA to meet all of you someday. Today for Pday we are going to the Church to play soccer with some other sisters in our district so that should be fun. I'm super excited! Well that was my week! Shout out to momma Peine, the best MOM in the world, happy mother's day! I love this gospel and I love our Savior! I'm so grateful for him and his sacrifice that makes it possible for us to have eternal families. I hope you all have a great week and I love you all!

Love, Sister Peine XoXo

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