Love, sister Peine
Monday, May 28, 2018
Upcoming baptisms
This week was amazing! We started out the week with divisions in Mogi Centro which is the interior of Sao Paulo. It is SO beautiful there and I was super pumped to see mountains! I was companions with sister Ohgutuama for the day. She is from Cape Verde Africa so it was fun to hear about whee she lives. She's way cool and told me I have to come visit her in a couple of years and she'll give me a tour of her island. She's hilarious and we are pretty much best friends now! Their apartment complex has a tennis court (which is the first tennis court I've found here) so one of these p-days they want me to teach them tennis and I'm stoked! Some other things that happened this week, we taught SO many lessons! We are still teaching Penha and Zilda, they came to church for the 4th time this week. Their baptismal date is this Saturday so keep them in your prayers! I'll let you know what happens next week! We have also been teaching a 9 year old named Laura since I got here. She has been going to church the past 4 months and has wanted to be baptized since her first Sunday but her mom doesn't want her to be baptized! So we have been trying to teach her mom and get her to come to church and after 4 months of missionaries inviting her she finally came yesterday! She and I are buddies now so we are hoping she will say yes and Laura can be baptized Saturday as well! We had 6 investigators at church yesterday so that was amazing and a couple less active families that showed up as well! We are visiting a lot of less actives and helping reactivate them! This week we made a bunch of new investigators but one of them is a lot more interested than the others, her name is Maria! We gave her the Book of Mormon lesson yesterday and it went really well, she's super excited for her next lesson AND she has 2 stinking cute dogs that sat on my lap the whole lesson and slept! I'm excited to teach her again and play with her dogs LOL! Another thing that happened is the trucks that transport gasoline here in Brazil decided they aren't going to transport gasoline until the prices go down, this has been going on for almost a week now so the buses have stopped running and now everyone is walking but its starting to affect mail systems because the people who deliver it all don't have gas and even some airports.... I hope they figure it out before I need to come home in 15 months or I might just have to stay here and eat churros forever! It's also starting to get pretty cold sometimes so today for P-day we went shopping with our Sister training leaders to buy some warmer clothes so that as a ton of fun! This week we were also told that we were invited to a devotional with Quentin L. Cook for all the missionaries in the Sao Paulo East Mission on Wednesday but then today we got a call saying it was cancelled, so that was super anti-climatic. We think it has something to do with the gas problem. Well that's all I can think of that happened this week! It was a really good week and we worked really hard, the language is coming along, still far from perfect but I'm starting to be able to talk a lot more! I love this gospel and I love watching people's lives change because of it! Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are truly perfect and I'm honored to represent them and be a part of this amazing work. I love you all and I hope you are taking time to read the Book of Mormon every single day! Hope you all have an amazing week. I'll see you all in about 14 months, haha. Ate Proxima semana, Beijo!
Love, sister Peine

Love, sister Peine
Monday, May 21, 2018
Now I'm a Wedding Caterer!
Hello Everyone!
This week was one of the best and worst weeks here but over all it was a good week because this is the work of JOY, the Lord's work! This week we had Rogerio on date for baptism on the 19th(Sat) so we worked with him every single day this week and when we left him Friday night he had just passed his interview with our district leader and was all sorts of excited to be baptized the next day! The next day we got everything ready for the baptism and even made 2 cakes.
We tried calling him but he kept ending the call and then turned off his phone so we thought he was working and continued working on preparing everything. We even went to his house to make sure everything was o.k. but no one was there. We waited at the church at 7 p.m. with everything ready. After 3 members going to his house and MANY phone calls we gave up and to cheer up we ate both of the cakes and played foosball with our district leader, his companion and 2 members. It was a lot of fun and we couldn't leave the church anyway because right when we went to leave it started POURING so hard that the streets were dangerous to be on so we made the most of our time with a foosball tournament haha!data-original-height="480" /> Then later this week we had interviews with the president. It was our last interview with him because the new president from Canada will arrive in June! His wife told me she wants me to marry her son and I couldn't tell if she was joking or not so that made me want to run for the mountains, instead I nervously laughed and changed the topic to landscaping. Turns out she's a professional landscape architect and has her own business, who would have guessed! I will miss them a lot, they are truly amazing people and I've grown to love them so much! After the interviews got over me and sister Enout got to go to one of the members in our wards wedding! When we got there early there was a few people decorating and the groom was standing next to a kitchen FULL of food looking a little nervous so we asked if he needed help. He told us no and that everything was okay but the closer the wedding got the more nervous he looked. He finally came to us asking if we could help with the food. "Just set some of the tables for before and then after the actual meal" he said. So we said of course because we are missionaries and we live to serve! Well it turns out 290 people came to the wedding and the groom ordered all the food for dinner for all of them and appetizers for before the wedding but had no one to serve the food or be in charge of the kitchen.....Rookie mistake leaving the groom in charge of the food! But we were more than happy to help! After about 20 min of just me and sister Enout trying to wash dishes (they were all dusty and some even had spiders on them) and serve food for almost 300 people we called the elders in that area to help us and they were on divisions so all 4 of them came to help and then a couple of members saw we needed some help so they came and helped in the kitchen! We ended up not really even getting to see the ceremony because we were so busy but it was actually a lot of fun to be a waitress for a little while and the elders had a great time walking around with the trays in one hand above their heads ha ha! It was also a really good way to meet non-members because 2 of the elders that were there were also American so a lot of people had questions as to why 3 Americans were serving them food, so we got to talk a lot about the mission and why we are here! Then a member told us he and his wife could give us a ride home because riding the buses here past 9 p.m. is apparently really dangerous but then they stayed at the church until 11:30 p.m. so we were a little late for the mission curfew but we called President Silcox and he said he would forgive us as long as we were serving ha ha. It was a lot of fun but wow we were tired when we got back after 5 1/2 hours of catering a wedding.
That's about all that happened this week. We are still teaching Penha and Zilda and a couple of investigators that we are excited to be working with! I will keep you updated on Rogerio because we still haven't heard from him but we get the feeling he may have changed his mind. He has been taught by the missionaries for a while now and this was the first time he showed interest in being baptized so maybe one day when he's ready! This week I was studying the Book of Mormon in Mosiah and I read Mosiah 2:41 that talks about the "blessed and happy state" we can achieve when we are keeping the commandments and then how if we "hold out faithful to the end" we can "Dwell with God in a state of never ending happiness" which just shows how important the little things are like reading the scriptures, going to church, saying your prayers and loving thy neighbor as thy self! All of the commandments are soon important and the end goal will be better than any of us can imagine! I love the Book of Mormon and I hope you are all reading it everyday. I love our Savior with all my heart and I love all of you, keep on keeping on and have a fabulous week! Ate proxima semana, Eu amor todos voces!
Love, sister Peine

This week was one of the best and worst weeks here but over all it was a good week because this is the work of JOY, the Lord's work! This week we had Rogerio on date for baptism on the 19th(Sat) so we worked with him every single day this week and when we left him Friday night he had just passed his interview with our district leader and was all sorts of excited to be baptized the next day! The next day we got everything ready for the baptism and even made 2 cakes.
Love, sister Peine
Friday, May 18, 2018
Hello everyone!
This week was AMAZING! We had zone conference this week which is always amazing but this one was a little extra amazing because I understood all of it, so I learned a lot! Last time I didn't know a ton of Portuguese but this time I was ready, it's also a lot easier for me to understand Americans speaking Portuguese than Brazilians and all of the speakers who trained were American. They also made us gel vaccines so that was a bummer because I think it might be a monthly thing now and I'm not a huge fan of being stabbed with needles, but it's all good it will make me more tough I guess. I really love Sister and President Silcox! We learned so much from them!
Later this week we had lunch with a recent convert named Ineida, She requested that I send a picture with her to my American people.
She is about 4 feet tall and we are best friends. She is the only member in her family and she really wants us to teach her family so we are hoping to start working with them soon. We also taught Andre and Adriane again this week. After the lesson we invited them to the young mens activity and while they were getting ready we waited in the street and I ended up playing soccer with a bunch of 14 year olds. They taught me a bunch of tricks that I wasn't very good at but they told me not to worry because they are going to teach me! We invited them to Young mens with us, so once we got everyone we invited together we walked to the Young Men's president's house only to find that he forgot and only one other member showed up so me and sister Enout hurried and put a game and lesson together and ordered some pizza and it actually turned out really good. They had a good laugh at me and sister Enout's video game skills! We also went to one of our investigators kids birthday parties this week, that was a lot of fun. It was Penha and Zilda's sister's baby. None of them came to church so they can't be baptized this week and we still have some work to do with the word of wisdom but they are progressing quickly and we are excited for them! We also taught a lot of people on the streets this week and made a couple contacts who are really interested so we are excited to work with them this week! We have Rogeno on date to be baptized this Saturday and we are really excited so I hope it all works out! There is a lot of work for us to do and reactivating in our area so we are excited to make a lot of visits this week! I like it more and more here everyday and my companion has become one of my best friends and wants to come to the USA to meet all of you someday. Today for Pday we are going to the Church to play soccer with some other sisters in our district so that should be fun. I'm super excited! Well that was my week! Shout out to momma Peine, the best MOM in the world, happy mother's day! I love this gospel and I love our Savior! I'm so grateful for him and his sacrifice that makes it possible for us to have eternal families. I hope you all have a great week and I love you all!

Love, Sister Peine XoXo
This week was AMAZING! We had zone conference this week which is always amazing but this one was a little extra amazing because I understood all of it, so I learned a lot! Last time I didn't know a ton of Portuguese but this time I was ready, it's also a lot easier for me to understand Americans speaking Portuguese than Brazilians and all of the speakers who trained were American. They also made us gel vaccines so that was a bummer because I think it might be a monthly thing now and I'm not a huge fan of being stabbed with needles, but it's all good it will make me more tough I guess. I really love Sister and President Silcox! We learned so much from them!
Love, Sister Peine XoXo
Monday, May 7, 2018
I am now a plumber!!
Hello Everyone!!!
I hope you all had a great week. Another great week down here in Brazil. It was a week of miracles. We started off the week teaching our investigators Andre and Adriano, they are 17 year old twins. I started off the lesson by asking if they read the Book of Mormon and they said,"uhhh yeah...a little." So Sister Enout and I thought they forgot (most people do.) So I asked them to tell me a little about what they read and to our surprise they started telling us about when Joseph saw an Angel and about the urim and thumin! Not only did they read the small part in Moroni that we asked them to but they started reading from the very beginning in the testimony of Joseph Smith! Most of the 17 year olds here have tattoos and are usually smoking and give us a fake address just to make us walk extra far or mess with us so me and sister Enout were amazed to find out that they read! They are amazing! They are WAY good at soccer, they are both very intelligent and they are just miracles! I'm super excited to teach them again! On Wednesday our sink broke so we called the missionaries in charge of the houses and they told us we were too far away so we needed to ask a brother in our ward to help us or fix it ourselves! So we called around and no one would answer their phones! I could tell which part was broken and the water that was leaking out of it smelt HORRIBLE so we decided to go for it and fix it! My Portuguese is still far from perfect but I am doing a lot better...but my vocabulary of plumbing parts is non existent! So I drew pictures for Sister Enout and she asked about the part we would need in Portuguese! We started out asking 8 guys where the nearest store was that would have what we needed. Turns out it was on the other side of our area so we walked all they way there and figured out which part we needed and walked all the way back! When I started taking apart the sink I found 3 more broken pieces!! The piping was very old! So then we walked backed to the shop to buy more parts but he was all out of the parts we needed so we had to walk to our Elders area where the other store was and thank heavens he had all the parts! When we got back I took all the broken parts off only to find a giant ball of Goo clogging it! Cleaning it out for sure makes the list of top 10 grossest things I've ever done! We spent almost the whole day finding parts for and fixing it but we did it which was another miracle! But it was definitely a day that made me miss my dad haha!
Atenciosamente, Sister Peine
p.s. Feel free to write me a letter!
Sister Kayla Peine
Rua Caa-Acu, #229
03171-020 Sao Paulo-SP
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