Sorry my email was pretty lame last week. It was transfer day and my companion got transferred so I spent almost my whole day at the train station waiting with all the elders to receive our new companions and then didn't have very much time to write so this week I'm gonna step my email game up. This week was SO good! I was actually really nervous to show my area because Brasil is kinda like a GIANT maze but this week went a lot better than I thought it would. My new companion's name is sister Peres. She is from Mahaws (the amazon.) When I first met her she seemed super shy and told me how she was a ballerina but within a day I saw her true self haha, she's crazy, but a good crazy....she's hilarious! She told me she's going to help me become a true Brazilian so every night she teaches me the music of Brasil and Brazilian cha-chas that go along with them! She's so funny and we are pretty much already best friends and have already made plans for her to come to Utah to meet my dog and go to Lake Powell (her life goal is to go to Lake Powell because all her American companions told her about it) her name is Kamylla Peres and I'm super excited for this transfer. We have lots of work to do! She has 13 months in the mission so she's way close to going home! I miss sister Enout a lot because we were super good friends too. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard than when I was with her. She is now companions with my CTM companion, sister Adams! Anyways, this week with sister Peres and my last week with sister Enout were full of miracles! The Lord really is always helping us so much! This week we taught a lot of people and worked really hard! We are still teaching Penha and trying to help her mom Zilda get her answer for baptism. She is all ready but she's just a little nervous to leave her other church so we are going to work with her a lot this week. I love visiting them though. They are so funny. We taught them yesterday and I invited them to share their testimony and a little about the church with a friend and Penha jumped up and ran to get her Book of Mormon because she wanted to share her testimony with us first! She told us how the night before her baptism she was super nervous about her decision so she took the Book of Mormon, said a prayer that God could confirm her answer then opened to a random page and the first scripture she saw was Mosiah 26:14-15 that says, "And it came to pass that after he had poured out his whole soul to God, the voice of the Lord came to him saying; (and this is how she read it) blessed art thou, Penha and blessed are they who were baptized in the waters of mormon. Thou art blessed because of thy exceeding faith in the worlds alone of my servants sister Peine and sister Enout" And then went on to tell us that's when she knew she needed to be baptized in the waters of mormon and the rest of her testimony and let me tell ya I have never been so happy to be a servant of the Lord! The Lord is so amazing and is helping us so much. We also made some cool new investigators this week who came to church! Jose who is 19 came to a baptism with us (our elders had a baptism) and he really liked it and told us he was going to need to stop smoking because he wants to be baptized and we hadn't even taught the word of wisdom yet! And then Manuel, he's in his 60's, we met him on the street making contacts and we gave him a pass along card and invited him to church like we do with everyone but he didn't seem to be interested so we weren't expecting to see him at church! But he showed up Sunday morning all by himself so that was a miracle and we are really excited to work with him! He called us this morning to see how we were doing and to let us know he considers us as children now so if we need anything to give him a call lol! Well those are some of the highlights this week! Oh yeah the world cup started this week and everyone is pretty excited down here! The streets are all decorated and painted.
Love, Sister Peine
p.s. I hope you are all rooting for Brasil VAI BRASIL...kkk, eu amor todos votes
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