Ola Everyone!!
I hope you all had as good a week as I did! This week was Crazy! We started out the week by taking one of our recent converts to the temple, man it was so good to visit the temple! But while we were there I FOUND ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS from Leeds! Sister Blake! We had a nice little reunion in front of the temple, I think it’s way up there with the top 10 best experiences of my life.

But wait, theres more…So the day we went to the temple was the day all the Americans in the CTM went so as I was talking with all my American buds I here, “Kayla?” which was way weird to hear my first name and I look over to find one of my good friends from up north that I met at an EFY. Good ole Elder Westra, so that was data-original-height="480" /> It was nice to talk in English and I translated for my companion and our recent convert. I think my brain broke a little bit switching back and forth between languages! But none the less it felt so good to talk with people in English. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see one of my best friends and talk to a bunch of Americans! After they all left we got to do some baptisms, watching our recent converts face as she saw and went in the temple for the very first time just made me so dang happy to be a missionary!

After that we went to get some lunch! We were walking to the shopping center and I saw a lady carrying a bunch of stuff in to a church for a leadership training in the Sao Paulo West mission! So when I went in the church the first person I saw was my good ole friend from high school, Elder Smith! There was also a bunch of other elders from Utah! My companion said, “you know you’re from Utah when you visit a temple on the other side of the world and find people you know,” haha! But it was way cool to see my friends!! We also had zone conference this week which was amazing as always! It was the last time we will have zone conference with President Silcox so that was a little sad. I have learned so much from him and sister Silcox, I will miss them a lot.

Our new president, President Miller and his wife will get here June 29. They are from Canada and I’m excited to meet them! This week we made a lot of new investigators, one of their names is Manuel! He’s awesome, he’s already been to church twice. Yesterday we taught him and all of his grandchildren! They live in a different city but they said they want us to send the missionaries in that area to their house and we are going to teach them with their grandpa, Manuel again this week! They are all about 18-22 years old! They even know a little English so they like to practice with me and then teach me slang in Portuguese. They always get a good laugh out of my slang in Portuguese! We also are teaching another man named Joseph. We have been working with him a lot with the word of wisdom! Our last lesson with him he gave us all of his drugs and cigarettes and said he’s down to only smoking 2 cigarettes per day! We are really excited for him! Funny story…so when he gave us all his drugs I put them in my backpack and forgot about them! The next day we had zone conference and they asked us to do something with our scriptures so when I was searching for my scriptures I set all the drugs and cigarettes on the floor and just as I find my scriptures I hear, “um sister Peine” and look up to see all of the missionaries staring at me and what appeared to be my pile of drugs! Hahaha, it was so funny, it was all good though because I explained what happened and everyone got a good laugh! But people have started calling me “the plug” which means drug dealer as a joke so that’s a bummer but I’m sure everyone will forget it soon enough! Then for p-day today we went to a park in Mogi Centro with 4 other sisters, ate cake, searched for monkeys (we weren’t successful) and took a bunch of pictures, it was a lot of fun! This week was amazing and I love it here in Brazil! I hope you all had an amazing week and I challenge you all to make it to the temple this week and be a missionary for those on the other side of the veil. I love you all! Ate proxima Semana .
Love, sister Peine

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