Monday, July 2, 2018


Hello everyone!

First of all THE CHURCH IS TRUE! VAI BRASIL! So many things happened this week for all of those who prayed for Zilda...your prayers were answered! She was baptized Saturday! It was amazing! I have been teaching her since my first week in the field so to watch her change and make the decision to be baptized was a great feeling! The baptismal meeting had a great turnout and the spirit was really strong! They always thank me for finding and teaching them and say how our lessons are changing their lives but really its the other way around! I never thought one of my best friends would be a 60 year old woman that lived in Brazil but I was definitely wrong! I have learned so much from Penha and Zilda and I just love them so much! We also got our new president this week! I haven't met him yet but we are having an emergency zone conference with him this Wednesday so I'm excited to meet him! He also changed the rules so we can watch all the games of Brasil, have day as a district and travel a little further on P-days so we are super pumped for that! We were going to hike Pico de vivbo this P-day but then we decided to stay and watch the game with Brasil vs. Mexico. Shout out to all my Mexican buddies, better luck next time! Hope you all had the chance to watch the beautifully played game by Brazil! Well that's about all I can think of for this week! We are still working with Jose and he is marked to be baptized this Saturday so any prayers would help! We have a lot of people to work with this week and we are really excited! I love my companion so much, she is a little crazy but so am I so it works out! I love you all and I hope you are all doing amazing! I'm loving it here in Brazil. I think I might just stay here forever...but if not I'll see you all in about 13 months! Love you all! ate Proxima Semana! Beijo!

Love, Sister Peine

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