Another great week down here in Brasil! Well, sad news Brasil lost and is no longer in the world cup but good news, the church is still true! This week was a little tougher, almost all of our compromisos fell through and Jose was not baptized BUT none the less it was still a good week because the Lords work is the work of joy! We re-marked Jose to be baptized this Saturday and we are still working with him and the word of wisdom! This week we also had zone conference with our new President! President and sister Miller are from Canada! Well they're from the USA but they moved to Canada for medical school and President Miller's career! President Miller played football at BYU and then went to medical school to be an orthopedic surgeon of some sort. They are very loving and I am excited to get to know them more! Sister Miller doesn't know any Portuguese yet so she had me help her translate a little bit to talk to the Brazilian missionaries! It was so cute haha! Then after zone conference we went to get acai with some of our district because Elder Villacreses hit 3 months in the mission! Also our mission president told us we should try to get to know our district and zone better so we can be more united!
I think next P-day we are going to hike Pico do urubo with our zone and I am stoked! Today for P-day we went to the zoo with an Irma in our ward and some of her kids! It was so much fun!

I hope you all had an amazing 4th of July! I may be here in Brazil but I've still got my American pride and celebrated with my companion and represented the Red, White and Blue! I hope you all had an amazing week and that you are finding time to read the scriptures and learn about our Savior each and every day! Amo todos voces e ate proxima semana!
Love, sister Peine
p.s. thanks for the package momma! I loved it!

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