Tuesday, July 31, 2018

My most tired record!!

Hello everyone!!

This week was great! We have been working really hard!! This week we had a training meeting with all of the leaders in the mission and the president, AND I GOT TO SEE MY MOM IN THE MISSION!!!! And sister Torres who was my roommate in the CTM ,it was soo amazing and it was fun to meet all of the leaders in the mission they are really cool and I have been able to learn so much from them!! We also have been teaching a bunch of new investigators, we have one named Larissa and she could be baptised anytime but she thinks its to soon, the other is Gabriel, he's really cool and he is marked for the 18 of November so any prayers would help. There is so much work waiting for us in this area, I can feel it and I'm super excited! Our area is GIANT, like we have to take buses and the metro to get around. Sao paulo is like the New York of Brazil and now I'm in the middle of it, its crazy but Im learning lots of new things. Our church here is giant but there aren't a ton of active members so we are also working with a lot of menos ativos. Also this week, Saturday night I think I broke a record of the most tired I have been on my mission, like I almost fell asleep eating my eggs my comp made for me, then we received a call from our bishop asking if we could talk in church the next day.....preparing my talk I fell asleep on my scriptures. When we woke up we had to go to pick all of our investigators up so basically I was winging it hard time but I talked for a good 10 mins and the members seemed to understand, the spirit was helping me out big time.......Well this week was really good! Next week we are going to start doing splits with all the sisters we take care of so I'm excited to see all their areas and get to know them all better. I didnt take too many pictures this week but I will send the ones that I have. Well that is about it for this week. Oh yeah, my companion is amazing, she cooks super good and she sings really well too. I'm actually really sad that this will be her last transfer......This week my testimony was strengthened so much on how if the lord asks us to do something and we do it with faith he with help us more than we ever thought possible! I know that he lives and loves us! I love you all and I hope your week was as good as mine!! Amo todos voces e ate proxima semana, Beijo!

Sister Peine

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