Thursday, August 9, 2018

Locked Out!!

Hello everyone,

Another good week here in Brasil!!!! This week we had zone conferences which is always a good time and it was a lot of fun to meet a lot of the new missionaries in my mission! It also rained sooooo much this week! One day it rained so hard that our umbrellas weren't even doing anything so we ran to the church for shelter (our church is giant, it has 3 levels and an elevator) when the rain slowed down enough we went to go back out on the street! Well, when the door of the church shut my companion looked to me and asked if I had the keys......and I definitely didn't! The other thing about our church is that it has a giant wall around it and a gate with a giant lock that you unlock with our keys that were inside the not only were we locked out of the church but we were locked inside the walls of the church.......our bishop got a good laugh out of that phone call.......after waiting for about an hour he came and saved us....moral of the story my companion is no longer allowed to touch our keys haha!! We also made a lot of new investigators this week! Gabriel and Victor are really excited about their baptisms coming up this month so hopefully everything goes good with them! Well that is all I can think of for right now! I will remember some good stories for next week but I love you all and I hope you are doing amazing!

Love, Sister Peine

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