Well this week was a great week! We have been visiting a lot of less actives and finding tons of new people to meet through visiting the less actives. We are still teaching a lot of families right now and we are really excited about them and they are all progressing very well and have dates to be baptized! This week me and my companion took the wrong bus and got a little lost...... so we ended up taking lots of different buses, well the last bus we took was interesting...... the bus driver told us he was going to take a different route to save time, well he didn't know this route and we ended up going over a giant speed bump at around 60mph, my head skimmed the top of the bus......I'm pretty sure the entire bus caught air and me and my companion have got some nice bruises but it could have been worse and No pain no gain...... then he got lost and we ended up having to go in reverse down the entire street with me backing him out so he didn't run into other cars...... but we ended up making it back to our areas so all is well! Well I'm doing great and still loving it here in Brasil! I love being able to have the Salvadors name with me everywhere I go and tell everyone how amazing he is! I love our Salvador and I know that he lives and there is now other place I would rather be than here in Brasil serving our savior! I love you all and I hope you have a great week.
Love, Sister Peine
p.s. Today for p-day we went to see the monkeys with our district again, it was a lot of fun!!!

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