This week was a really good week! We had a lot of answers to prayers. We finally had lots of investigators in church Sunday and it made my heart so happy to see them there so if you prayed for them thank you because it worked and they are all marked for baptism which is super exciting! We worked really hard and have been trying to work more with the members and help them be more excited about missionary work! I love our ward a lot, they are so cute! We are now trying to work better with the ward because I think they want to help they just don't know how so we started a game... we write their names on a piece of paper and then below it says "Another way you can show the Lord you love him," and then on the inside it has a list of things they can do to help us and help our investigators feel welcome and like family at church so I hope that will help them. We are going to start giving them to each member of each family when we have lunch with them.....a lot of the members are kinda scared to just be friends and talk about the gospel with strangers, but some of them help.....they are slowly helping more and more, our bishop is super good and always says tons of things he will do to help, for example.....Sunday he said he would give us a car ride to pick up an investigator because he has diabetes and can't walk very far but then the bishop forgot so we ended up walking but that's okay, I think we just have to train them on how they can help!
This week I started the Book of Mormon again and have been marking where it says one of the names of Jesus Christ or Heavenly Father as part of President Nelson's challenge that he made! I never realized how many times the Book of Mormon says their names! It has really helped me understand how big of a part the Lord plays in literally everything! Being able to see how he plans everything and understand just a tiny tiny bit of how he plans is amazing! I also hit 8 months in the mission this week which blows my has passed by sooooooooo fast! It has for sure been hard but I wouldnt change it for anything! I'm doing great and I love training, my companion is amazing and I feel like Im learning more than I'm teaching! We had transfers today and I will be staying with my companion to finish her training and I'm so excited. I love you all and hope you all have an amazing week!
Love, Sister Peine
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