Monday, October 8, 2018


This week was amazing, and today I SAW MONKEYS!!! This week we did a lot of work with the area book and a lot of finding. We aslo taught Matheus, Vanesaa, João, Leila, and Alechandre. They are all progressing very well and I love them a lot! It's crazy how much you can love someone you barley know when you pray for them so much! We also had a meeting with our bishop and we had a lot of ideas to strengthen the ward that we are excited about! The feild is truly white and ready to harvest here in Vila Virginia! I also loved conference with all of my heart, the saturday session I watched all in Portuguese and understood everything but they don't always say the same thing in the translation as they do in real life so sometimes a couple of things didn't make sense but none the less it was super good and then on Sunday we were watching and one of the girls in our ward came up to me and gave me headphones attached to her phone playing general conference live in English so I got to watch the Sunday session in English and it was good to hear their voices. All of general conference was so good! I'm also super stoked there will be another temple so close to Leeds. This week I have been studying Dilegencia for the Christ like attributes...and I have really learned the if we are diligent in what we are doing we are going to be blessed with the satisfaction of knowing we did our very best! Diligence is a heavenly virtue so I challenge you all to be more diligent in everything you do but especially with studying the Book of Mormon! Every single time that I read, without fail, I find an answer.....from a book that was written thousands of years ago. I know with all of my heart that it is true and is the most perfect book on the face of the earth and that God gave it to us because he loves us! We can show him that we love him by using it, studying it, pondering on what we learned.......I always tell our investigators that we talk with our Heavenly Father through prayer and that one of the many ways he can talk to us is through the Book of Mormon! I love the Book of Mormon a lot and I'm so glad I can be hear in Brasil to give it to as many people as I can!
Today we went to a nature park and we saw a bunch of cool animals, I will try and send some pics but I'm doing amazing and loving it here in Brasil....I love you all and I hope you are doing amazing! Have a great week!
(I have lots of funny stories but I always forget them so I will write them down and sent them next week)
Love, Sister Peine

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