Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Birthday/Halfway Done!

This week was a good week! My birthday was a great day, my companion woke me up at 6:30 am and sang happy birthday to me! Which was a good thing so I didn't even have time to think about the fact that I would be 20 and then we worked really hard the rest of the day and at the end of the day I forgot that it was even my birthday but that is exactly how I wanted to spend my day, it's a good feeling to forget about yourself. Then on Sunday we had lunch with a lady in my ward and they mada a cute party for me! I don't know, I loved it but at the same time I almost was sad because I'm not a teenager any more and its super strange to me! My district also through me a surprise birthday party for our district meeting that was really fun and made my day. THANK YOU FOR THE PACKAGE MOMMA!!!! I loved it!! My companion keeps making fun of me because one of the things that I got the most exctied about was the pen hahah! But I loved everything in the package! So thank you, you made my birthday a special day!!!
This week I hit 9 months on my mission, half way....and I don't know how I feel about that......A little sad because its going by so fast! This week was a great week, we always find good people to teach but this week we found people that I know that the lord is truly preparing to hear about the gospel and I am just excited! Also thank you everyone that send birthday wishes, love you all! I dont know how I feel about having 20 years.....It's weird to not be a teenager anymore and lowkey scary haha..... We are also teaching a girl named Biatris whom I love so much that we are very excited about and she is excited about her baptism date for the first of December! I pretty much forgot everything that we did this week and I don't have very much time so I'm going to wrap it up! I hope you all making the time to share the gospel with everyone that you know, like in Lehi's dream when he ate the fruit, the first thing that he thought was to share the fruit which is our knowledge of the gospel with his family and we are all brothers and sisters so we need to share that knowlege with everyone!!! I hope you are all looking for opportunities to always invite someone new to church or share your testimony and strengthen it! Love you all and hope this week is 10/10!!
p.s. Shout out to the best mom in the world and the birthday package that contained peanut butter I was beyond excited, thank you momma love you!!!!
Love, Sister Peine

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