Thursday, December 6, 2018

Artist Living in a Bus

Hello everyone this week was a funny week! I don't even remember all of what happened but I know that Sister Fuentes and I laughed a lot! This last week some new missionaries arrived here in the mission and they all got here saying "Feliz Natal" some Brasilians in the CTM taught them that it meant good morning but it means Happy Christmas so they have all been wishing everyone a Merry Christmas since the beginning of November which me and my companion thought was hilarious and taught them how to say all the words they were taught wrong right hahah......also every time I sneeze my companion says, "God bless you" and I have had allergies the past week so I have been very blessed by my companion.... haha teaching her English is still a work in progress...... So this week we did A LOT of walking but we were very blessed because of it! We also found a new investigator that I'm super excited about because he's so funny. He's a 65 year old artist with an Italian name ...Janpeirr who lives in a bus that he turned into a trailer (its fancier than where me and my companion live....) and travels from state to state painting and meeting new people. He parked his bus right in front of the church and will be living there for a while to have medical procedures done on his knee! He came to church with us un Sunday and loved it and had everyone laughing and was friends with everyone by the end. He has a heart of pure gold so we are excited to keep teaching him! If everything goes good this week Biatris will be baptized on Saturday and we are very excited about that so everyone keep her in your prayers! I love her so much and I'm pretty sure she was one of my friends up in the pre-mortal life! We also found some other really good people to teach this week that we are very excited about, and tonight we are going to teach Kaytano who is from Africa and he will be making African food for us so we will see how that goes but I am pumped! This week was just a solid 10/10! I have also strengthened my testimony a lot this week of the power of fasting! I'm so grateful for the power of fasting and the opportunity we have to receive even more blessings and answers! Not even going to lie hangry is a very real thing for me and usually when I fasted I was not the happiest camper but I know that if we do it with a good attitude it can be a fast that we will feel the spirit throughout the whole fast and feel even stronger the love that our Savior has for us! I love you all and I hope that every fast Sunday can be a spiritual experience for you like it has become for me! Boa semana e amo todos vocĂȘs
Love, Sister Peine

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