Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Light the World!

Melhor Semana!! BEST WEEK! Hello, Hello, Hello!
I hope you all had as good of a week as I did. A lot of things happened this week but I will try to keep it short and sweet! This week after our lunch appointment our friend Bratris taught sister Fuentes and I how to use eyeliner because we both stink at makeup....Then when we were going to our next appointment it was pretty windy and my eyes started watering super bad, lets just say watery eyes and eyeliner do not go well together and we looked like raccoons the rest of the day! Our recent convert, Gabriel turned 21 so we had a little party with him which was a lot of fun. We also made a new investigator that lives in a bus...but low key his bus is nicer than where we live (no complaints, it's a super decked out bus) It's basically a trailer. His name is Jampeitre and he is easily one of the funniest people I have ever met and has got some great stories! Then Mattheus was BAPTIZED on Saturday and it was so amazing! I always pray that we can find the people that the Lord is preparing and Matheus is easily one of the most prepared people I have taught on my mission! The meeting was amazing and the spirit was so strong. There was also a great turn out from the ward. (I love the vila Matilde ward so much) Matheus even bore his testimony which was so powerful! Right after the baptism he made visits with us and is pumped to prepare for a mission! He will be an excellent missionary. We also found a lot of potential investigators last week that we are excited to visit this week. Then on Sunday we had a good number of investigators at church! I was so excited that (in the middle of the bishop's testimony) when we went to sit by Vicente and Roseli I tripped and landed on top of sister Fuentes, lol, it was super loud but super graceful! Well I think I covered the important points this week. I also read the Christmas devotional talk by President Nelson which was amazing if you haven't watched it. I challenge you to do so! I also hope you are all looking for ways to light the world always but especially this month as we celebrate our Savior Jesus Christ because when we were others we are serving HIM! I love HIM so much and I am so happy to be serving HIM! I also love all of you and hope you have the BEST week ever and light the world!
Te amo muito voces com amor.
Sister Peine

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