This week was fabulous!!! This week we had Zone Conference, but for our Christmas present, President Miller took our whole zone to the Capminus Temple. We all got in a big bus and went to the Campinus temple, it only took about 2 hours! On the way there he pulled out a giant box of bells with notes on them and sheet music and we sang Christmas songs on the way to the temple.......a lot of our zone is elders....and most of us have 0 musical talent so you can imagine how beautiful it was haha, but it was a lot of fun and helped me feel more of the Christmas spirit in the 100 degree humidity! The temple was oh so good, we got to stay there almost the whole day and the spirit was so powerful there! I just love the temple. It was almost like it was my first time because it has been so long since I have been and it was a good reminder of how important the covenants that we make in the temple are! I loved every second of it. We also helped a family in our ward move this week, and it was actually a lot of fun I forgot how much I love to clean and organize! (I hope you are all finding lots of new ways to light the world) Then Sunday was just oh so good, our recent convert Matheus received the priesthood!! Before church we also went to pick up Jampietre and he wasn't there so we were a little bummed and walked to church alone but then when we got there he was sitting on the front row with a big smile waiting for us!!! I was so happy! We also had a couple other people that we are teaching at church as well who are all working towards baptism and praying for their answers but can be baptized any day now so that's exciting! I love them all so much and watching them change as they come to understand the doctrines of the gospel! Then today we went to the Nature park with our district again and it was superb (trying to use new words my comp told me I needed to) WE SAW MORE MONKEYS and fed them coconuts!! Another animal that I don't know what its called but I will send picts, they were super cute! Well we have a lot of work to do and activities that we have planned this week and I'm super excited! I love my comp, I love the work and I love our Savior! I hope you are all taking the time to light the world and serve others because when we serve others we are really serving God by helping his children! I love you all and I hope you have a great week!!!
Love, Sister Peine

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