Monday, December 31, 2018

Happy New Year!

Hello everyone!!! Well Christmas was great! It was a little weird just being with my companions and not the family but then we did skype and everything was a little more normal but it was amazing because I had a lot of time to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and my love for the Savior has grown so much, I just love him a whole lot. On Christmas night we went to a members house to eat dinner and we had permission to stay out a little longer than normal...It was a lot of fun but I think my body is used to going to bed early because I pretty much just turned in to a zombie, haha everyone was laughing at me because my eyes were glazed over, haha it was wild. We were able to find a few people this week but its been a little hard to mark and find people with Christmas and the new year because everyone is at the beach including all of our investigators but we have a lot of appointments for this week that we are excited about. Today for pday we had pday with the district so we played soccer...I think I have many talents but I have found that soccer is not one of them.... but its a work in progress...we also played soccer with a bunch of 12 and 10 year olds who absolutely cream us. It was me and my 2 companions against them.....the end score was 6-1 but I was proud that I was even able to make a goal lol! I love being a missionary! Then tonight for new years we have to be in our house at 6pm because the streets get a little crazy here haha but it should be a good time. Being in a trio is a lot of fun! Well I have to go right now and the computer is not allowing me to send photos so I will have to send them next week I love you all and have a great hope you all set goals for 2019 that will help bring you closer to Christ!
Love, Sister Peine

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