Monday, January 7, 2019


Hello everyone!

Well, this week was an interesting week...So we got a call from the president this week and I will be training another new missionary! I will also be leaving my area, Vila Matilde and will open another area which should be a good time. I've never opened an area before but I always like a good challenge so I'm excited...I think! I still haven't met my new daughter (companion that I will train) yet but I will tell you about it next week! I've also been doing some tests for my throat that's still having some problems so hopefully everything works out okay with that. I actually did an endoscopy and they put me to sleep and that was about 2 hours ago so I'm still feeling super happy so I hope this email makes sense. I'm sad to leave sister Fuentes and Amorim because I just love them so much. They are like sisters for me and have taken such good care of me while I've been on these nice medicines. Well I literally cannot remember anything else but I love you all. Be nice to each other always. Hope you all set goals to help you grow closer to Jesus Christ. Love y'all. Ate a semana que vem beijos.

Love, Sister Peine

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