Hey everyone,
So this week was good, we are opening an area which means we are kind of starting from scratch and neither of us know where anything is so it's been interesting...... we are teaching a couple of people right now from the Philippines!! I just love them, they are the happiest people I have ever met. They have been through some pretty tough things in their lives and they are still just so happy, Alex and guendalina they are brother and sister! We had dinner with them a little while ago and she was so excited to share Filipino food with us, it was SO GOOD!! They are special people and are progressing really well. Our other pretty solid person is Errick we had a lesson with him 2 days ago over Facebook that was really good.... he is so funny, he's super tall and plays a lot of basket ball...his accent sounds kinda like a new Yorker, Haha I love it. He is so prepared. Well that's was about all for my week! Twas a good one. I hope you all have a really good week and if you get some time check out the talk called "Keeping lifes demands in Balance" by President Ballard it is amazing!! Love you all!!
Sister Peine
p.s. The pictures with the pool and palm trees are the apartments where we live.