Monday, May 20, 2019

First Mission email from Florida!

Hey y'all as these southern people would say haha I love them and there are people from all over the world here so we are learning lots of new things. I don't have much time but a quick update.... I ran into Elder Renlund at the airport on the way here and took a picture with him and his wife.... I was a little star struck and kinda just stared at him smiling like a weirdo, but I managed to tell him a little of my story and we chatted for a bit. It was something that I will remember forever. Then moments after that I saw Elder Christoffersen running by to go somewhere, he looked like he was in a hurry so we didn't talk but we did make solid eye contact for about 4 minutes so that was good and we said hello. If you ever want to meet an apostle just go hangout in the Salt Lake airport I guess haha! So I am in an English ward but everyone in our area speaks Spanish and I have heard there are some Portuguese speaking people, I haven't found them yet but I'm sure they are here somewhere and we will find them in no time but I have learned a lot of Spanish. It's kind of hard to keep straight with Portuguese but My comp Hermana Palmer is a Spanish Missionary so we are teaching in 3 languages....... its gonna be great!! She's is awesome. We are in the Citrus Park ward! Serving in the USA is completely different..... like the work is the same but wow....... AC, Phones, cars, and shower curtains really make a difference hahah what a blessing! It is soooo pretty here, I will send some more pictures next week. I love you all and hope you have a great week!!
Love, Hermana Peine

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