Hey y’all, well this week was an interesting one, ha ha we met a lot of unique people I guess you could say! One of my favorite things about serving a mission is the different people you meet. Especially here in Florida because they come from all over the world. We didn't find very many new people to teach this week but we did have some solid lessons with Gwen, Alex, and Errick!! I just love them all so much! Gwen and Alex are from the Philippines and they are the happiest people I have ever met, they also really love making us Filipino food so that's been a good time. Haha like last night we got to eat pig ear......... it was kinda like chewing on a balloon full of pretzels or something I dont know quite know how to describe it. Haha different for sure, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. We did a lot of finding this week and working hard!! Next week we get to go to the Orlando Temple for zone conference and then on Sunday we are going back to Orlando to a huge stadium that president Nelson will be speaking at!! Its going to be an exciting week!! We also got our 72 hour kits packed up because its hurricane season here, hopefully we don’t actually have to use them though, Haha! Well that's it for my week, I'm excited for next week! I hope you're all making your scripture study happen, each day I've noticed that sometimes I just read to read so this week I really made it a goal to read with a question or a purpose and genuinely study the stories and it was cool to see how much I could get out of it even if it was just for 20 minutes before I went to sleep! I hope y’all are reading with a purpose or a question and if you’re not I challenge you to do it and then write down what you learned after each study! He truly can speak to us through his words, the scriptures! I love them!!! And I love all you, have a great week!!
Love, Sister Peine
Quotes of the week:
"Yeah I speak 2 languages too!! Hillbilly and English"
" I was just curious if y’all have 6 wives, because I am a one woman man!! I can’t handle more than that!!"😂😂😂