Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Visit from the Prophet

Hey everyone, So this week we saw the prophet so you could say it was a pretty great week! We also got to go to the Orlando temple which was so fun. I love temples so so much! A lot of our appointments fell through this week but we still worked really hard. We also spoke in church, I spoke on how through small and simple things are great things brought to pass.... Then related it to the gathering of Israel and how we are all small and simple pieces of a much bigger picture then explained a small activity we are wanting to do with the ward. We made a cool puzzle poster for our ward to help see how much work we are getting done, my idea was inspired by a cool quote I heard, "When performance is measured performance improves...When performance is measured and reported the rate of improvement accelerates." So I will send pictures but basically when they do something off the list we gave them they get to put a puzzle piece on the puzzle and get a small piece of chocolate then when the puzzle is finished we will have a ward BBQ. I hope that made sense, haha I will send some pictures, but we are excited and the ward seems really excited about it too so its gonna be great!! We are also doing a 40 day fast with the ward for missionary work each day a different person fasts for strengthening and growing the ward. We also saw the prophet at a HUGE stadium in Orlando, we were also pleasantly surprised when the members that gave us a ride picked us up in a Tesla, haha it was such a nice car (I'm not in Brasil anymore) I will send some pics!! There were a couple of missions there and thousands of members! It was amazing, President Nelson is truly called of God. I also love how much him and Elder Utchdorf (who was also there) love their wives. They are so cute!! They talked about the importance of inviting people to come and see! I hope y'all are inviting everyone to be a part of the gospel every chance you get! Three powerful words that can change lives "come and see" so invite!! Love y'all have a great week!!!
Love, Sister Peine

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