Hey everyone I don't have much time but I promise that next weeks email will be more exciting! It rained everyday this week haha LOTS of rain and humidity, my hair looks super great haha!! We had a hard time finding new people but our friends Alex and Gwen from the Philippines came to church again so that as exciting! I just love them so much, no matter what is going on or the problems they have they are just so happy. I was also reading some talks this week from President Nelson and I noticed how much he says he loves kids, and I love how in the Book of Mormon it actually tell us to be more like children...meek submissive, humble, patient, and it goes on (Mosiah 3:19. ) I love that scripture because even if we are are adults or older in age we can still have a spirit like a child. Through the atonement of Christ!! It makes me so grateful for the atonement! So I hope you all notice those attributes of little kids around you and try to be more like them. I think we can actually learn a lot from them haha! We;; I love you all and I hope you have a great week!! Te amo!!
Love, Sister Peine

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