Another week down out here in Florida! So I got my 2 new companions this week! Being in a trio has been fun! We saw a lot of little miracles this week and we met almost all our number goals this week so we were pumped! The new people we have found are so cute, I already love em! We went to go visit our referral Rio this week! While we were there we watched his goat escape their little pasture... and his owners weren't home... finally my Leeds experience was going to pay off Haha, we caught him and got him back in his little pasture in no time, we contemplated counting him as a new person that we "brought back to the fold" but decided probably best not, lol we took some pics with them though they were so cute! We had a some good lessons with a bunch of people like Neide and one of our new friends named Olga that we taught in Portuguese and Spanish! My Spanish isn’t doing so hot but my portunhol is doing great! Well I don’t have too much time, but I'm doing great just trying to make the most of these 2 weeks that I have left as a missionary! I'm loving every minute of it! It's crazy how fast time goes by, hope you're all making the most of every second! Life is short! Love yall, have a great week!!❤
Com amor, Sister Peine

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