Monday, August 19, 2019

Only 12 more days!

Hey y'all, This was the best week yet!!
We met our goal for new friends and a couple of them came to church, our Brazilian friend came too, I was SO happy!! We even got the translation gear all set up and everything, I love seeing people come to church for the first time, it makes my heart happy!! I cannot believe I come home next week..... that blows my mind! I don't have to much time left but I'm doing great! We have a lot of good things planned for this week so we are excited to work hard! I love serving the Lord and I love learning the things I'm learning you truly learn things on a mission that you can't learn anywhere else! My comps are so funny and make me laugh a lot, I have them trained well, pics below;) they're the best! Well I love you all and hope you have a great week! Sorry this is short!!!❤
Te amo muito!!!!
Love, Sister Peine

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