Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Last Email

Well here is the last one!! This week was so good, we had zone conference and I loved it! I also had my exit interview.... it was interesting Haha but also very good!! I spoke in church one last time on Sunday! I have loved being a missionary! It has been so worth it and I'm so grateful for all the people who I have been able to meet and learn from in a different country and on the other side of the country! The gospel is the same wherever you go, it is amazing and changes lives! I KNOW that with 2 people anything is possible as long as one of them is God. Philippians 4:13! It has been a privilege to serve the Lord. I know this is his true church. I know the Book of Mormon is true, I LOVE IT! See y’all soon!
Thank you for all the love and support these past 19 months!
Te amo todos❤❤

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