E ai de boa? Essa Semana foi um pouco difícil mas mesmo assim foi uma boa semana. So this week was one of the weeks that kinda just kicked my bum, but it was still a good week because we worked really hard! We left our area a lot for divisions and district meetings but we found a ton of new people in the other sister's areas which was a lot of fun! So this week my companion left our cell phone on a bus! We called the number and the bus driver answered and told us we could get it the next day when he was passing by on his bus route, so Sunday morning came and it was stake conference so we actually needed to take the bus anyway, but there are tons of buses that make the same route and we had no way to call and ask which bus was his so we stopped a woman on the road to ask if we could borrow her phone to call our phone which is kind of a weird question so we had to explain the whole thing to her. It turns out she was hammered, ha ha, she was coming back from a party that she had been at all night long and she could barely walk straight so explaining the whole thing for her was very difficult but in the end she walked with us to the bus stop and stayed with us until we had our phone to make sure we got it O.k and then we made a contact with her so we are going to teach her this week (hopefully a little more sober) but really she was the nicest drunk person I have ever met in my whole life. Not too much else happened this week just a lot of divisions and working hard! This week on Friday we are going to have a visit from 2 apostles so we are super excited about that and it will be a bunch of missions in Sao Paulo. We will leave our mission for the conference who we are super excited!!! Also today for play we went to the gym, it was a lot of fun but that's about the only exciting thing we did today. We are going to eat pancakes tonight with some members who tole me they have maple syrup so that is also pretty exciting because they don't have that here and I actually miss it a lot! Well I miss you all and love you, hope you are all having an amazing week and are doing all the small and important things! Alma 37:6-7.
Beijo, ate próxima semana
Love, sister Peine

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