I hope you are all doing fantastic!!! This week was a good one, we found a huge group of children that we started teaching! They listen to our lessons and then afterward we play hide and seek in the street with them, haha its a good time! Little kids make me so happy and they are actually really good listeners and understand more than a lot of the people who are higher in age that we are teaching! I also had to go to the doctor, and a ENT specialist this week because my throat keeps swelling. The ENT specialist shoved a camera up my nose and pushed it down my throat becaused my throat is swelling up so that wasn't a good time but my companion got to see the inside of my nose and throat and said it was super cool so at least someone enjoyed it! The dr. also numbed my nose and I couldnt feel my nose at all for a hot minute, I felt like Valdamore off of Harry Potter for a couple days so that was an interesting experience.... they think I have an allergy to something and gave me some medicine so I'm sure I'll be good as new in no time. It also rained a lot this week so much that it rainded inside our house! I think someone is coming to fix that tonight! We also found a lot of new people to teach this week that we are super excited about and a lot of people who are progressing very well, I love watching people change as they come to know our Savior, Jesus Christ. Well thats all I can remember for now but I love you all and hope you have a great week!!!
we live with this Irmao and the top of his house has an incredible view, he had a birthday this week so we made him a cookie cake,the kids we are teaching and some other nice pics