This week was a fast week, it feels like I was writing you guys yesterday! This week was a lot of fun, we went on exchanges with Sister Mizuba and Sister Rubacava they're both super cool and it was a lot of fun!! We also had a zone service project on Wednesday where we went to an elderly home and built a gazebo type thing and painted some baseboards. It started pouring rain on us when we were building the thing outside and then there was a bunch of lightning and we figured it wasn't the best idea to be running around with metal poles outside in the lightning haha so we came in and painted and sung to the elderly people (they were so cute) then finished building the thing later. I love service so much, it just makes you feel so good, and when we serve others we are also serving God. We had some good lessons this week but it has been a little harder because everyone is traveling right now but we have been reactivating a lot:) sister Heap and I came home a couple of nights ago and our apartment smelt soooo bad (we cooked salmon the day before and threw some raw stuff in the garbage) we had a candle we wanted to light, but no matches....... the aroma of our house NEEDED a candle and sister Heap was very determined to light it. Haha after many experiments we found out that if you hold a cotton swab on the metal part in the bottom of your oven for a couple seconds it starts on fire pretty quick:) we were pretty happy with our lit candle and our apt smells much better. Ahaha I love Sister Heap! Well that's about it for this week. Hope you're all finding good ways to serve others and show our Heavenly Father your love for him. I love him a lot, and I love all of you. Thank you for all your prayers, have a great week!!
Love you all!
Te amo todos vocês!
Los quiero a todos!
Love, Sister Peine